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New Moon
Sacred Meadow Circle

Although each member is sworn to a level of secrecy, it is no secret today of Witches, Witchcraft, the Seax Wiccan covens, Anglo Saxon traditions and deities, etc.  

And so, although the business of the coven, and it's members remain undisclosed, shared here are the basic structures and implementation of the New Moon Sacred Meadow Circle. 


With the extraordinary interest today in witchcraft and the occult, it is important to get the right answers to questions that may exist in order to find what path of magick feels right for you individually. 


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to learn more about the

New Moon Sacred Meadow Circle counsel.  

It's important to understand the differences between:


The New Moon group is a counsel of witches that advise

each other in leading the Full Moon empowerment groups.

The Full Moon group is an empowerment gathering of
witches in which each teaches and learns from each other.

and the Astral group is an online assortment of witches
looking for support in setting up their own individual practice.

For more about the empowerment group, please visit the Full Moon S. M. C. page

For more information on Witchcraft please visit the Astral S. M. C. page


Message from the
New Moon Sacred Meadow Circle

"Dear Visitor,

Welcome and thank you so much for visiting our website and learning more about our coven, about witchcraft, Wicca and magick!  

It was the intention of the coven to providing a safe place online and in person to share information, ask questions, learn, and formulate your own opinions and perspectives in order to setup a unique and personalized practice in the craft for yourself. 

The coven is separated into three main aspects of support: Resources and support provided online or remotely;  In person support, governance and council for the Sacred Meadow Circle tradition; The eclectic empowerment gatherings of witches that meet in person to support and teach each other in the ways of the craft.


The Sacred Meadow covendom is considered a calling to service in the craft. And so, no money should be expected or exchanged for membership.

Questions, suggestions or comments are always welcome by contacting us!

Bright Blessings!


New Moon Sacred Meadow Circle"





The Initiated.

Live the Wheel of the Year in it's entirety

Ability to teach the rites, rituals, and traditions

Learned more than three realms of witchcraft

Established at least one practice in divination

Worship practices of at least two Deities

The Committed 

Follow the Wheel of the Year in it's entirety

Performing the rites, rituals, and traditions

Expanded on at least three realms of witchcraft

Successful divination skill demonstrated

Established a relationship with at least two Deities

The Devoted.   

Observed the Wheel of the Year in it's entirety 

Understands the rites, rituals, and traditions

Learned at least one realm of witchcraft

At least one form of divination practice

Introduced to at least two Deities

Each member is considered equal.

The levels of development are individual learning achievements and do not reflect the status of a member and does not follow a traditional Wiccan three degrees system of initiation.  Up on Humanist Wiccan practices, The High Priest(ess) to lead the groups are voted upon provided they are a Gesith of the S.M.C. tradition. 


All decisions regarding the group's activities and interactions are mutually governed and agreed upon by the New Moon group's members themselves.


High Priest or High Priestess

Both are just as fundamental.  Gatherings do not require both, nor one over the other, to be present.  What may differ from other Wiccan traditions is that these positions are equally important and are able to function alone.  A High Priest and/or High Priestess are chosen from Gesith Priests of the tradition which are those who have completed dedication and initiated their path into the Sacred Meadow Circle tradition.



One is only considered a Gesith if completed a dedication ritual and the initiation into the tradition has begun.  The preferred path to becoming one is:  Theow -> Coerl -> Gesith (as described below)


If one joined the coven after doing the Rite of Dedication with another tradition, no further dedication is necessary. If accepted by the coven,  would be accepted as a Cesith.


Theign or Assistant

This is the position of a guard or protector of the gathering places.  A Theign is responsible for ensuring that all of the candles, incense, etc. remain lit through out a circle's existence until closed.  No one is to break the boundary by leaving an opened circle without a Theign properly cutting a doorway and sealing it afterwards. Also, making sure all the needed supplies are within the designated area before containment and the temple is raised. 

Scribe or Treasurer 

This is the position to be informative.  Overseen by a High Priest or High Priestess a scribe would take notes when necessary, make lists if needed, advise members of meeting times and details, and would also keep track of any meeting minutes if chosen to be kept by the coven as well as maintain a members list found in the back of the coven's book.  A Scribe is often selected by how well, neat and legible someone can write.

Member at large

Members of the Full Moon Sacred Meadow Circle are those who identify as witches and have committed to the empowerment group (comes to meetings regularly, take part in rituals and gatherings, etc.) and are considered a Ceorl (Have been dedicated to the group as well as familiar and comfortable with the group structure and dynamics).  




Sometimes those who have not committed to the coven, also known as a Theow, may be invited to remain outside of the circle boundary during ritual gatherings. This may include potential members, spouses or family of members, or invited guests, etc.  



After fulfilling and completing the role and position of a High Priest or High Priestess, this member would continue as a Gesith with the consideration of being an Elder of the tradition.  The Elders hold the wisdom of the history of the coven and their input and opinions should be greatly considered. 


Magick is natural.


Harm None - not even yourself through the use of magick.


Magick requires effort, you receive what you put into it.


Magick spells need time to be effective.


Magick should not be performed for pay but with love.


Magick should never be used in jest or for your own ego.


Magick is a divine act.


Magick can be done for your own gain, but only if it harms none.


Magick can be used for defense but never attack.


Magick is knowledge - do not believe magic works - know it!


Magick is a love - it should be performed out of love. If used in anger or hate you'll cross the border into a dangerous world that will consume you.


Magick should be enjoyable.


Don't cast a spell for others unless asked.


Law of Attraction:

The spiritual belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life.  The basics of the "Rule of III" guideline. 

Law of Knowledge:

To effect/affect a thing you must know the thing. The more you know about yourself the more you can know something else.

Law of Identification:

With your will you can become anything- be one with anything. 

Law of Contagion:

Anything that has been in contact with something else maintains contact with that thing through the ether.

Law of Names:

Knowing the True Name of something defines the action you take to focus a function on that thing.

Law of Cause and Effect:

Under exactly the same conditions using the same actions you will always obtain the same results.

Law of Infinite knowledge:

There is more in the universe than we can sense or know. Learning never stops.

Law of Association:

If a thing reminds you of something else it can be used as a simulacrum for that something else for magickal purposes.


Law of Infinity:

There are always at least three choices available.  Change your perspective in one area and you change your universe.


Law of Invocation and Evocation:

There are forces outside and inside of you that you can tap and direct through your energy.


Law of Pragmatism:

If it works, it is true.


Law of Free Will and Predestination:

Events are predestined, each person chooses whether and to what extent to participate in them.  Free will can not be controlled.


Law of Polarity:

Everything contains and implies its opposite.

Basic Rites

The meeting place is designated and marked, usually in the shape of a circle which is where the members take their positions. 

Ritual of commitment to the Seax Wiccan ways and rites in which a witch dedicates herself/himself.

Guidance and assistance in the areas of knowledge, development and training of the ways of the Sacred Meadow Circle Anglo Saxon tradition

A general meeting of the coven aside from a festival or special occation.

Main festivals or special occasions when the coven celebrates together.


The end of the meetings the meeting place is cleared and cleansed and members are free to go.

Erecting the Temple





Clearing the Temple


The powers of Self

Pure intention is the key to manifestation.  

The soul or energetic resonance consists of nine aspects in which one can understand their effects and affects of their magick in their lives:

Successful Magick requires Self-Love!!!



Our Physical Body

Conscious Thoughts


Astral Self

Emotions &



(Our Aura)


Will Power

Life Force

Magickal Tools

A Wand - A stick or rod thought to have magickal properties used to direct energy

A Staff or Spear - A magick wand that is substantial and large enough to act, oppose, resist or withstand. 

A Mortar and Pestle - A cup-shaped receptacle made of hard material, in which ingredients are crushed or ground, used especially in cooking, medicinal and magickal workings.

A Seax or Magick Blade- A medium blade larger than a knife and smaller than a sword used to direct energy simular to a wand. 

A Sword - Only for ritual purpose used to direct, cut/splice or remove/sustain energy.

A Cauldron - A large metal pot with a lid and/or handle, used for containing ingredients, burning or cooking over an open fire.

An Alter - raised structure or place used for worship or prayer upon which several symbolic and functional items are placed for the purpose of worshiping the God and Goddess, casting spells, and/or saying chants and prayers, etc. 

A Table - Similar to an alter. But a larger work space.  Often referred to as a Harvest Table, a large flat surface for magickal workings or collecting and organizing a harvest of ingredients and/or supplies, and organizing spell work contents. 

Natural Clock

Words of Wisdom:


Group Rules



Do research and exploration of the craft in the areas of your own interests. Everyone has a different point of view. This path is a lifetime of development. Please be kind and courteous at all times.



Do what feels right and stay true to your own practice. Please respectfully disagree if doing so. Bullying, targeting, or attacking a member of this group is not allowed and will not be tolerated.



We can support each other in finding your own way in the craft. Manifest your own will's desires. Be mindful of the Law of III if part of your practice. No selling to or spamming other members.



Revealing identities of witches or other coven information could result in the jeopardization of wellness or saftey for other members. Please be respectful, supportive and considerate of one another.



It should be mentioned that:


  •  All else that is permitted to be revealed to non-members is that the Sacred Meadow Circle exists as a collaboration of separated gatherings of witches.  

  • No in-coven business is discussed outside of the circles such as but not limited to about what is discussed, the magickal workings that are involved, traditions explored, any trainings or lessons that take place within, or whom any of the other members are, etc. 

  • Since witches and witchcraft face so many misconceptions and misunderstandings in the world today, revealing identities of witches or other coven information could result in the jeopardization of wellness or saftey for others. Please be respectful and considerate of one another. 

  • - Blessed be!

         All membership for consideration is via invitation only.

Coven Structure:

Below is the flow chart showing the interaction and influence between the different aspects of the Sacred Meadow Circle from governance and stability, along with private empowerment gatherings, to personal support and resources


If there are any questions or for more information, please feel free to contact the coven.









Seax Wicca



Sacred Meadow Circle:

New Moon Gatherings

Full Moon Gatherings

Dark Moon Gatherings

Submitted Questions


Astral Virtual Gatherings

Wiccan Traditions











Central Valley














Star Kindler


Keepers of the



Blue Star








Assembly of






Pagan Way












Humanist Wicca:

Someone who identifies with the core principles of Wicca, but emphasizes a rational, naturalistic approach.  Traditional Wicca incorporates beliefs in deities or a higher power, while Humanist Wiccans focus on the inherent value of natue and humanity.  The Wiccan gods and goddesses as metaphors for phycological concepts or natural forces.  Their practice often centers on personal growth, ethical living, and a deep respect for the earth. 

The Wheel of the Year


Wolf/Storm Moon

January Full Moon

Dark Quiet Moon

January New Moon


February 1st.  The first signs of spring in which are celebrated and dedications are made for the next full turn of the wheel. Also known as Ground Hogs Day

Snow/Ice Moon

February Full Moon

Dark Hunger Moon

February New Moon

Worm/Crow Moon

March Full Moon

Dark Seed Moon

March New Moon


March 21st.  Light and darkness are again in balance during the spring equinox, with light on the rise. It is a time of new beginnings and of life emerging further from winter.

Hare/Pink Moon

April Full Moon

Dark Planting Moon

April New Moon


May 1st.  Celebrating the power of life in its fullness, the greening and blooming of the world as spring flourishes.

Flower/Milk Moon

May Full Moon

Dark Ninth Moon

May New Moon

Mead/Strawberry Moon

June Full Moon

Dark Strawberry Moon

June New Moon


June 21st - 24th.  As the summer solstice this time is considered the turning point at which summer reaches its height and the sun shines longest. 

Hay/Buck Moon

July Full Moon

Dark Blessings Moon

July New Moon


August 1st.  A feast of thanksgiving symbolizing the fruits of the first of three harvest festivals.

Sturgeon/Barely Moon

August Full Moon

Dark Harvest Moon

August New Moon

Corn/Harvest Moon

September Full Moon

Dark Singing Moon

September New Moon


September 21st. During the time if the autumn Equinox, a feast of thanksgiving for the fruits of the earth and a recognition of the need to share them during the coming winter months. 

Blood/Hunter's Moon

October Full Moon

Dark Falling-Leaf Moon

October New Moon


October 31st.  A time to celebrate the lives of those who have passed on, and it often involves paying respect to ancestors, family members, elders of the faith, friends, pets, and other loved ones who have died.

Beaver/Oak Moon

November Full Moon

Dark Dead Moon

November New Moon

Cold/Long-Night Moon

December Full Moon

Dark Snow Moon

December New Moon


December 21st - 24th. During the winter solstice, there is feasting, and gift giving as common elements of Midwinter festivities. Bringing sprigs and wreaths inside to decorate the home as well as the decoration of a Yule tree are also common in celebration. 


The Rede
       of the Wiccae


Made famous by Doreen Valiente, Initiate of Gerald Gardner. 


Being known as
The counsel of the Wise Ones:

Bide the Wiccan laws ye must,
in perfect love and perfect trust.
Live and let live, fairly take and fairly give.

Cast a circle thrice about
to keep the evil spirits out.


To bind the spell every time,

let the spell be spake in rhyme.
Soft of eye and light of touch,
speak little, listen much.
Deosil go by the waxing moon,
sing and dance the Wiccan rune.
Widdershins go when the moon doth wane,
and the Werewolf howls by the dread Wolfsbane.


When the Lady's Moon is new,

kiss thy hand to Her times two.
When the Moon rides at Her peak
then your heart's desire seek.
Heed the Northwind's mighty gale;
lock the door and drop the sail.


When the wind comes from the South,

love will kiss thee on the mouth.
When the wind blows from the East,
expect the new and set the feast.
When the West wind blows o'er thee,
departed spirits restless be.


Nine woods in the Cauldron go,

burn them quick a' burn them slow.

Elder be ye Lady's tree;
burn it not or cursed ye'll be.
When the Wheel begins to turn,
let the Beltane fires burn.
When the Wheel has turned at Yule,
light the log and let Pan rule.


Heed ye flower bush and tree,

by the Lady Bless'd Be.
Where the rippling waters go
cast a stone and truth ye'll know.
When find that ye have need,
hearken not to others' greed.
With the fool no season spend
or be counted as his friend.


Merry meet and merry part,

bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind the Three Fold Law ye should,
three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is enow,
wear the Blue Star on thy brow.

True in love ever be
unless thy lover's false to thee.
Eight words ye Wiccan Rede fulfill:
An' it harm none, do what ye will.


True in love ever be

unless thy lover's false to thee.
Eight words ye Wiccan Rede fulfill:
An' it harm none, do what ye will.

Legal Status

In Canada, the legal status of Wicca and Paganism is varied. The rules in each province or territory may differ from each other.

Traditionally, Wicca is a religion practiced only by its priesthood in small groups called covens.  The biggest difference between a coven and a church, is that a coven is private and usually closed to it's members. Where as, a church is open to the public. 

Established Policies:


Correctional Services of Canada has recognized and thereby given status to Pagans within federal correctional facilities. A priest of a Wiccan tradition can be employed to serve as a Wiccan chaplain in the Ontario region of Correctional Services Canada. 

According to the most recent information Pagans and Wiccans reserve equal rights to their holidays in the military, just as members of every other religion does. However, in the event of war any worship may have to yield to military necessity, and Wiccans and Pagans reserve the right to have their religion appear on their identification discs or tags, as well as tomb stones, death notices, etc.

Wicca is in fact a recognized religion by the government of Canada. 


Please refer to: for more information on Religions in Canada  published by the Directorate of Human Rights and Diversity (DHRD)

Unestablished Policies:

The Canada Revenue Agency, has jurisdiction over what organizations may become charities.  A charity is an organization that may receive money, and issue a tax-deductible receipt.  There are no Pagan organizations in Canada that are also charities. 

In Canada, there are many functions of government that fall under the jurisdiction of the provinces.

Each province has a different Act regarding marriage.  In each case, the province specifies which denominations may solemnize marriage, or which denominations may appoint a person who may solemnize marriage. In Ontario, there are no Pagan organizations allowed to do this, but there is apparently a number of Pagan clergy who can do so through a for-profit organization called All Seasons Weddings. In BC, the Congregationalist Wiccan Association has appointed a number of people who can legalize marriages. The Aquarian Tabernacle Church may apparently also offer this service.  

Provinces have Ministries of Corrections, which house anyone who has been arrested but not yet sentenced, and anyone who has been sentenced for a period of under two years.  The Ministry of Corrections in each province may or may not recognize and assist Pagan worship in provincial prisons.


Each province also has its own Ministry of Health.  In most cases, the ability of a Pagan clergy person to visit a particular health facility is left to the chaplain or administration of that hospital or other institution.  There have not been enough cases for this to be considered to be established.


Rights with regard to death are also not at all well established in Canada.  The reason for this is that a majority of Pagans in Canada did not have Pagan grandparents. Therefore, little tradition is established.  When a person dies in Canada, it is best if that person has a will, and the executor must follow the terms of the will as well as possible.  Without a will, the estate (which includes the body of the deceased) is taken care of by the next of kin.  In many cases among Pagans, the next of kin are not also Pagans, and so the Pagan religious community actually is given no say in the matter. 

What are your thoughts?

If you are a lawyer and have updated information, Or, If you have had experience with your provincial or federal government that by sharing could make this information more complete, please feel free to write to 

We would love to hear from you!


Thank you for visiting

the New Moon Sacred Meadow Circle

New Moon
Sacred Meadow Circle

Green landscape with mountains in the background

Sacred Meadow Circle

More information about Witchcraft and Magick is available from:

the Astral Sacred Meadow Circle


Full Moon
Sacred Meadow Circle

More about the in person empowerment group is available from

the Full Moon Sacred Meadow Circle is where I share with you what interests me most, my personal practice! I hope to spark excitement so that you can nurture your own passions and projects. For years, I have served as a useful source of motivation, assistance or advice. I finally decided to own that role and be more intentional about it. I started Ask a Grey Witch: with a mission to give others a taste of my thoughts and experiences by answering submitted questions. What started as occasional posts has evolved into a rich site filled with a variety of information about various topics that are near and dear to my being. Take some time to explore the blogs and find what sparks your interest. Submitted questions are very much appreciated!  

The main focus of this website has become to serve as a support platform for the Astral Sacred Meadow Circle.

 AskaGreyWitch Blog Categories:


About the Practice:


Spells and Magick:


Mystical Workings:​


As a Wiccan male and practitioner of energy work and manifestation, I share my perspective and experience in a way that I hope makes sense and is helpful to others. I want to be clear that what I say is not what goes. I'm not trying to say that what I think is the only way... each and every one of us has our own way of thinking and individual beliefs, traditions, etc.  Quite often I find myself offering guidance, answering questions, providing information and giving advice to other practitioners of magick finding their own way.  


This website is maintained as a safe place where perspectives are shared, ideas can be explored, and submitted questions can be answered honestly without inquirers made to feel centre staged, or stereotyped, or discriminated against, etc.  like what can happen in online communities or on social media these days.


Lots about workings and experiences can be shared by simply answering submitted questions in a short blog style format.  By doing so, together we may be able to help break some of the misconceptions that still exist out there about modern witches, wiccans, or other interesting folk. 

The blog appears in the order that the questions were asked. Therefore, the newer more recent posts are found at the top of the blog entry list and the older blog entries can be found below in the list with the oldest/first entry at the bottom. There is a search option if that helps to narrow down the subject of the blog that you are interested in reading about.

It is my hope that by sharing some knowledge of my own perspectives in this way that it's convenient and helpful to others determining what's best for themselves and will allow me to divide my time more evenly for those requesting mentorship. Enjoy your visit and the information that is shared about beliefs, experiences, and manifestation. All of the blog entries are written to answer a submitted question in a short, yet informative post (the blog entries have an average reading time of around five minutes. The videos have an average length of about 6 minutes). 


We all need something to motivate us. Take a look around; perhaps you’ll be motivated to discover what exhilarates and fits best for you.  After all, the more personally satisfying workings feel to the practitioner, the more likely manifestations will materialize into reality.


Please feel free to share any concerns, suggestions, or comments that you may have as I always appreciate feedback.

The videos used in some of the blogs are stored at: 

Check out the Facebook page at:

Please feel free to read more in the blog entry about me at:

Or about why I originally started this blog and website at:

& of course, feel free to submit your own questions at:

bottom of page