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The Full Moon
Sacred Meadow Circle

 are a coven stead of witches who meet for local area in-person eclectic empowerment gatherings whereas no ranks exist and each is equal to teach or learn with no initiation process to join.  The only requirement is that each walks at least one path within witchcraft and seeks to connect and support other witches. Meeting places are kept confidential to the group and vary depending on the time of year, celebration, event and/or festival.  Remote access to the gatherings is available upon request.  Each group is lead by a Gesith High Priest(ess) of the New Moon Sacred Meadow Circle.  However, all decisions regarding the group's activities and interactions are mutually governed and agreed upon by the Full Moon group's members. Guided initiations into the S.M.C. tradition are explored separate to group gatherings.

It should be mentioned that:


  •  All else that is permitted to be revealed to non-members is that the Sacred Meadow Circle exists as a collaboration of separated gatherings of witches.  

  • No in-coven business is discussed outside of the circles such as but not limited to about what is discussed, the magickal workings that are involved, traditions explored, any trainings or lessons that take place within, or whom any of the other members are, etc. 

  • Since witches and witchcraft face so many misconceptions and misunderstandings in the world today, revealing identities of witches or other coven information could result in the jeopardization of wellness or saftey for others. Please be respectful and considerate of one another. 

  • - Blessed be!


All membership for consideration is via invitation only.

Please note: 


Occasionally, the New Moon S.M.C. will host a virtual gathering referred to as the "Dark Moon S.M.C. Remote Gatherings" that participants are invited to attend.  These online meetings are an opportunity for the Full Moon S.M.C. members to teach and share to others something of which they have learned that is a topic of interest for those who are invited to join.  Future discussion topics are suggested by the gathering attendees.  Only those invited to attend the Dark Moon remote gathering can decide on and be participating in the future discussion topics.  If you've been invited and can not attend, please send your regrets to join beforehand to a Priestess or Priest of the Sacred Meadow Circle.  If you have yet to be invited but would like to get involved, please consider joining us for the next Astral S.M.C. Virtual Gathering and introduce yourself.


Be advised:  The virtual meetings are not recorded.  However, please be prepared that other meeting participants will be able to see you when your camera is on. And so, we just ask for consideration to your surroundings that may be visible within your camera's view range.  There should not be uninvited persons in the background listening into the discussion topics  -- Thank you for your understanding. 

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