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The New Moon
Sacred Meadow Circle

 is a priesthood of the Sacred Meadow Circle which follows a Humanist Wiccan based structure. Each member can be a founder, Elder or High Priest(ess) of a full moon empowerment group, assists with self initiations, and/or acts as an advisor to the other Sacred Meadow Circle High Priestesses and High Priests. It is a requirement that each practitioner individually follows a traditional structured approach to their own rituals and practices in witchcraft. This in-person group also requires a strong commitment, there are ranks involved and members must undergo an initiatory process which involves three degrees of growth and development in the coven's practices.  Each devoting to a Gesith Priesthood of which the Sacred Meadow Circle was originally formed, influenced by an Anglo Saxon tradition.  The New Moon Sacred Meadow Circle provides teaching and learning opportunities for all of the other groups and it's members.

It should be mentioned that:


  •  All else that is permitted to be revealed to non-members is that the Sacred Meadow Circle exists as a collaboration of separated gatherings of witches.  

  • No in-coven business is discussed outside of the circles such as but not limited to about what is discussed, the magickal workings that are involved, traditions explored, any trainings or lessons that take place within, or whom any of the other members are, etc. 

  • Since witches and witchcraft face so many misconceptions and misunderstandings in the world today, revealing identities of witches or other coven information could result in the jeopardization of wellness or saftey for others. Please be respectful and considerate of one another. 

  • - Blessed be!


All membership for consideration is via invitation only.

Please note -- ONLY members of the New Moon S.M.C. should attend these New Moon meetings. These in-person or remote gatherings are an opportunity for the Priestesses and Priests of the S.M.C. Humanist Wiccan tradition to gain advice and mentorship from each other in supporting the Full Moon S.M.C. in-person empowerment groups and Astral S.M.C. virtual gatherings.  Those in attendance decide on and participate in discussion topics.  If you're a member of the New Moon S.M.C. and can not attend a gathering, please send your regrets to join beforehand to a fellow Priestess or Priest of the Sacred Meadow Circle. If you are not a member but would like to get involved, please consider joining us for the next Astral S.M.C. Virtual Gathering.

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