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Sacred Meadow Circle

Quite often an example or reference to a starting point is all that's required to become grounded within beginning to set up your own witchy practice.   Below, you'll find information, examples of advisable workings and suggested rituals to help to setup an informed practice that is personally meaningful to you. All writings are pertaining to one perspective relating to specific non baneful (harm-free) topics.


Thank you for visiting and learning more about Witchcraft with the

Astral Sacred Meadow Circle support and resources.  

It's important to understand the differences between:

A Solitary practice is a singular witch that sets up their

own traditions and structures within witchcraft.

Secular practitioner does not work with Gods, or

Goddesses, or other deities.

and A Coven based practice involves several witches

teaching and learning from each other

For more information on Wicca, please visit the New Moon S. M. C. page

For more about the empowerment group, please visit the Full Moon S. M. C. page

Witchcraft & Wicca

Growth, Development, Sustainability

For anyone hoping to start their journey into witchcraft, It is my hope that this website helps make your journey less overwhelming. 

Not sure what Witchcraft even is?  With the amount of misunderstanding and misleading information that there is amongst the general public about witches, it's no wonder many people don't believe witches even exist, or think Witchcraft and Wicca the same thing, (they're not).  On this webpage you'll find lots of information, some background, and proof that magick is used all around us in every day life, whether a witch or not.


Anyone who knows anything about witchcraft knows that there is a current stereotype of witches that has been based on misunderstandings, misconceptions and down right untruths. Let’s be honest, witches don’t fly on brooms, wear big pointy hats or have green skin, etc. In fact, witchcraft is a much more complex and in-depth practice that has many different branches that can be explored. 


Witchcraft can be overwhelming at first due to the vast amount of information published or available online.


Finding what path you want to go down can be difficult at first. There is an enormous amount of different kinds of witches out there. The definition of a witch is, basically:  "Anyone who does Witchcraft".


It should be mentioned that witchcraft is a form and expression of intention. Where as Wicca is usually referred to more as a religion that involves witchcraft in its traditions.  These two terms are not the same.


When referring to my craft, I'm actually speaking to my spiritual practice involving magick and an affinity with nature within my pagan traditions.


Wicca usually involves magick, nature and the worship of deities. It is a newer set of beliefs in comparison to many of the world religions, starting in the early 20th century and takes much of its practices from Pagan traditions. It's my understanding that paganism dates back to before the Renaissance period, is a bit more broad, and it also typically follows the worship of deities and centers more around ceremonies or festivals.


The most important thing to do when starting out with Wicca is to do your own research. For the origin's of, one great place to look is in any books written by Gerald Gardner, who is nicknamed "the father of modern day witchcraft." The main text many Wiccans follow is Gardner’s “The Gardnerian Book of Shadows”. Another important figure in the history of Wicca is Aleister Crowley, who Gardner knew and drew inspiration from, to start the new religion. Raymond Buckland adapted Gardnerian Wicca into an Anglo Saxon perspective. The main text that a Seax Wiccan follows is Buckland's "The Tree". Several more branches of Wicca also eventually formed to express other differences in beliefs, such as but not limited to Alexandrian Wicca, Agard Wicca, Dianic Wicca, etc. 


Wicca is the largest group within the modern rise to neopagan practices, with nearly half identifying as Wiccan. I, myself, dedicated to a Seax Wicca tradition in my secular practice (involving aspects of my own human nature), beginning in 2016 and completed initiation as a Gesith in 2019 with the founding of the New Moon Sacred Meadow Circle.  

Becoming dedicated isn’t something one does overnight and does take time.  It is a path of constantly learning over an entire lifetime. 


Research, looking into yourself and getting to know your inner self better is a big part of starting the journey and can be widely implemented through Shadow Work (see below).  


Book Recommendations: 

More about where to start: 

Wicca in more detail:

About the New Moon Sacred Meadow Circle:

Image by Annie Spratt

Understanding Energy

When you feel energy, what you’re really feeling is the impact that the energy is having on your own energy. The key is noticing the change to your own energy created by that 'reflection'.  When working with or reading people's energy, most people’s energy is changing all the time. 
If you think of energy as a symphony, with dozens of musicians playing at once. It’s beautiful, but it’s hard to pick out a single musician.  When listening for energy, that’s like trying to hear a single musician, a soloist amongst the orchestra.  Just like how the other instruments have to become quiet to allow the soloist to be heard, you must quiet your own energy in order to sense the energy of others.

What specifically do I mean? Quieting energy is remaining steady, smooth, and calm. Being flexible and responsive, not rigid or tense. Energy can move, keeping it slow and gentle. Above all, quieting energy means listening and responding.

Energy is everywhere. It is a part of us and every item and object that surrounds us.  We can interact physically and energetically with our environment.  The balancing of energies is an important aspect of all workings in my craft.  Energy work is used within many different practices, such as mediumship, metaphysical healing, working with nature or wildlife or deity, sensing or scrying and also includes ritual, ceremony and spell work.  
Even beyond our planet's surface there are astrological influential energies that impact our day to day lives and can be used in divination to gain clarity of a situation, or to foresee a lifespan of someone's life, from simply observing the positions of specific astrological bodies in our solar system. 

Some examples of energetic charging would be the process of making moon water by leaving it in moonlight; or similar to making sun water; or during the casting of the runes; or similar to during the shuffling of tarot cards. Etc. While doing so, there is an energetically charging of intention taking place (for example the question of a psychic reading) and feeling the reflection of that energy return is how to know how to read the answer.  When casting runes it's the energetic draw of the symbols and their positions in the layout used that guides a rune reading, or when shuffling tarot cards it's the energy of the cards that makes aware when to stop or which card to choose.  Again, just like runes it's the energetic draw of the symbolism in the tarot card's design and spread used that guides a tarot reading.  To know which runes or cards to choose to work with, you should select the one that energetically "feels" right to you. 

The same can be said in regards to spellwork. The use of associations and energetic properties of ingredients and supplies of spells are important to make the purest connections with our true intentions. Each of us have different associations that we have developed since the beginning of our lives. And so, no one else can be more clear about your intentions than yourself.

The more personal satisfying a spell is to the caster the more likely the desire will manifest from magickal workings.  


More about astrologic energy:

Energetically read tarot:

Energetically read runes:

Energetically work with pendulums:

Magickal Workings

It is a fundamental belief of mine that everyone and anyone, as human beings, has the ability to work with energies, and to do "Magick".  The common use of magick evokes some sort of change in the physical world through intended manifestation. In occult and esoteric communities, it can take a wider meaning involving spiritual change. 


There are so many kinds of witches depending on the type of magick studied and practiced.  For example, but not limited to: a green witch harvests and uses plants and herbs in their practice; a cottage witch focuses on the household and family; a hedge witch works with spirits and ancesters bridging the boundaries of the viel between life and death; Astro witches study astrology and incorporates it into their practice, ...and there are many others.  It's not necessarily about choosing a type of witch that you want to be.  But, moreover the type of witch describes briefly the realm of magick being explored.  Some practitioners believe their individual practices have very little in common with other witches.  Explaining the various types of magick is just as complicated as defining magick itself. Not all magic has the same intention and each magickal practitioner will use different associations and approaches.


It was actually Aleister Crowley who began using the word "magick" instead of "magic" for several reasons and the use of the term spread over time. The most often mentioned reason is to differentiate what witches do from stage magic done for entertainment. Crowley gave several other reasons why he used the term "magick," even though these reasons are often ignored. Contradictory, he considered magick to be anything that moves a person close to fulfilling their ultimate destiny, which he called one's True Will. With this idea of practicality, magick doesn't have to be metaphysical. Any action, mundane or magickal that helps fulfill one's True Will, is magick.  


The spelling was not chosen randomly. Crowley expanded a five letter word to a six letter word, which has numerical significance. Also, hexigrams are six-sided shapes and are prominent in his teachings. “K” is the eleventh letter of the alphabet, which also has significance. Other spellings that also divert from the word "magic" include "majick," "majik," and "magik." However, there's no other specified reason that I'm aware of in regards to why some people use these spellings. 


It should also be mentioned that there are also main types of magick: 


Folk magick has all kinds of practical purposes: healing, attracting luck or love, driving away evil forces, finding lost items, bringing good harvests, fertility, etc. Rituals were simple and then probably evolved over time. They involved everyday items: plant material, coins, nails, wood, and so forth. Folk magick is sometimes called low magick because of its practical nature and due to the fact that it's traditions and customs are passed down through generations of family heireticy. 


Ceremonial magick is a type of magick that depends heavily on learning precise, complicated ritual and intricate sets of correspondences and associations.  Ceremonial magic is also high magick. It is meant to have a spiritual purpose rather than a practical one, although there could be some overlap. It involves improving the soul, which might include gaining divine knowledge, purification, the attraction of proper influences, self empowerment and embracing one's destiny, etc.


Knowing where your interests lay and what your intentions are with magick will help you to determine what rituals, customs, and workings are best suited for you and your new practice. 

Some examples of magical workings:

Workings vs spells:​

Magic Hand_edited_edited.png



Do you remember YOUR first spell?

Chances are, you've already done spells whether you consider yourself a witch, or not. 
Many non magickal people of the general public do witchcraft regularly, at least annually, without even realizing it.  

For example:

Wishes on flying parachute-seeds caught in the wind. - hmm, could it be witchcraft?

Placing a buttercup under someone's chin to determine if they are lieing when asked, "do you like butter?" - Seems alot like Witchcraft!

Picking off the pettles of a daisy flower one by one in order to determine the answer to a yes/no question. - That looks witchcraft to me!

Making a wish on candles and then blowing out the candles on top of a birthday cake after circling friends and family sing and chant. Then, everyone shares the cake together.  - That's definately witchcraft!!! 

Sooo... that being said, I ask again: 

"Do you remember YOUR first spell?" 

Spellwork is powered by intention.  Intention can be defined by associations and that energy of the workings built upon in the craft to be released to manifest.  

The more personally satisfying a spell is, the more likely that it will be successful.  This is why many do spells unsuccessfully and do not experience anything to come from it, or do not see any results right away.  If you do not even beleive in the magick that you are casting, you will NOT be successful.  


      Always, follow your instincts.

      Trust your intuition. 

      Blessed be.

It should be mentioned, that many witches try to obey what's known as, "The Law of Three". This means that anything sent out can reflect back three times fold (3x stronger).  So, for example, sending a blessing if healing to a friend may return to you healing blessings tripled in strength.  It also works the same way with negative energy. Sending out a curse, as another example, may return negativity back to the caster in a way that is worse then the intention sent out.   
Whether believing in the Law of The or not, witches generally believe in doing what they will causing no harm to anyone.  
The primary rule or law that most witches follow known as the Wiccan Rede:. (Below:) 
Basically, this text is often minimized to the final two lines: 
"...Eight words ye Wiccan Rede fulfill:  An' it harm none, do what ye will."

Examples of spellwork:

Example of a ritual:

Types of Practitioners

It's important to note that each and every witch is different from the next.  There are just as many types of witches, as there are witches.  Each is unique in the ways of the craft. 

The dictionary definition of a practice is the customary, habitual, or expected procedure or way of doing of something or to perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain one's proficiency.

Practices can look like what ever you want it to.  The whole point is to create habits and rituals that better ourselves in our skills and self development.  For example, someone who considers themselves a green witch (meaning they primarily work with plants) their practice may involve a regularly done routine of harvesting and gathering herbs to make potions and teas that assist with health or some day to day tasks alongside the maintenance and care given to the plants and trees around them. 
There are non Wiccan practitioners that follow folk traditions which vary depending on the area, country, traditions, etc.  Much folk magick is passed down through generations teachings. However, in recent years has become much more accessible to the general public through books, websites, YouTube channels, etc. 

There are Wiccan practitioners that follow religious guidelines in which involve magickal workings within the traditions, rituals and customs.  Most Wiccan traditions usually involve the worship of a Goddess, and/or God.  There are also some who have interesting mixes of folk practices and religious beliefs and traditions.  I myself, am a non-theistic Wiccan which means I'm secular in my practice (Instead of working with supernatural deities, I work with symbolic representations of the aspects from my own human nature).

There are many eclectic magickal practitioners and eclectic religious practices. In these cases, a person borrows from multiple sources to construct a new, personal practice that personally speaks to them specifically. 

There are also chaos magickal practitioners who never develops a personalized practice. In this case, what applied yesterday may be irrelevant today - All that matters today is what is used today. 

Eclectic and Chaos practitioners are never confined by the concept of tradition. 

As much as there are these and many more "lables" for types of witches this doesn't actually matter! Try to setup a practice that is personally meaningful and spiritually satisfying to you.  If you see a ritual or spell described here or on please feel free to change and manipulate the workings so that it personally fits best with your own associations and intentions.  What works for me may not work for you in the same ways, and vice versa. We all have our own experiences in life which gives us all different associations. No matter what your path is in the craft, we can all do similar magick in our own ways. 

Research and Experience are really key to helping any practitioner of magick to figure out what would most likely be useful and work best for them.  

Find what speaks to you!

Examples of practices:

Different realms of my craft personally, as example:

More about myself as example of personal practices & traditions:

Shadow Work


It's called Shadow work because it involves getting to know every part of ourselves that can not be seen by others and sometimes not even realized by ourselves. It can be difficult to explore darker sides of our personalities, or parts of ourselves that we try to hide from the world. But, learning to face all emotions regarding past experiences or feelings that are kept deep within can be empowering in itself building confidence and inner strength.

One way to get started that I recommend is by keeping a journal or diary where the entries are meant to create little reflections of yourself over time. Given this purpose, I like to call this a book of mirrors. In it, entries can include written stories, activities or exercises, or whatever you can use to personally analyse thoughts or feelings on a particular topic.  

A good example of one of these activities is the creation of what's commonly known as a bucket list. Generally speaking, a bucket list is a sort of checklist of things to which one wants to accomplish or experience in their life before they die. Looking at how many of those items remain unchecked can help to create a plan of action before opportunities are missed. 

Another example would be writing all the things that you do not prefer about yourself, or wanting to change. Whether it's laziness, or lack of passion, or other vices. This can help to understand the alterations or changes needed from our own behaviour in order to make ourselves healthier or happier. 

There are so many ways to which this can be applied. Exploring and understanding the hidden truths of ourselves allows us to know our true and pure intentions.  In my opinion, this makes Shadow work an important place to get started for any practitioner of magick. 


This is powerful when working with and directing energy, or within spellwork.  It is also my opinion that shadow work is important for divination such as tea leaf sessions, rune casting, or tarot reading, etc.  

Journaling prompt exercise examples:

Shadow work expanded on further:

Rituals and Spellwork

The dictionary meaning of ritual is a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.

If its something you do repetitively every day (or practically daily) then that's pretty much a ritual.  Many of us have a morning coffee ritual of making that first cup of the day. Not all rituals are spiritual, or ceremonial in fact. It also can happen daily, weekly, annually, etc. 
In my view, if there is a repetitive structure it can be considered ritualistic in nature.  I'm sure you may be able to think of other rituals that already take place in your life, whether it be morning/evening rituals, bedtime rituals, birthday rituals, hygienic rituals, romantic rituals, etc. 

Sooo, why magick rituals? 
One example of a magickal ritual, would be a self love ritual bath. If you think of your bathtub as a massive cauldron, surround with candles, add water and charge with intention using scented oils, herbs, or other ingredients while literally sitting within the spell itself. The focus can be cleansing, self love, healing and empowerment, Or, what ever intention for yourself.

Rituals help us to ground with ourselves and connect with an intention.  This is why I believe that spellwork is ritualized so successfully.  

After all, ...spellwork is powered by human intention!

Spells generally have a ritual component to them for the reasons mentioned above.  If desire is to manifest from raising energy within a spell, it has to invoke emotions and intentions to put forth that energetic force. The wording of an incantation encourages the energy trying to be raised by a witch (or group of witches). 

By repeating incantation of a spell witches can associate more with the intention and build upon it with each round.  By rhyming incantation of a spell witches can then focus more on the raised intention and desire and less concentrating on the wording itself.  It's also much easier to remember if repeating 3 or 9 or 13 times in rounds (depending on the spell) if it rhymes. 

The ingredients and what is done with those ingredients, or any actions beheld are all associations to represent a symbol for the intention of the spell being carried out.    

... all symbols and associations of intention. 

Some examples of spells and magick:

Example of a ritual:

        Suggestions and Tips

Read, read, and read some more

As mentioned previously, there is so so sooo much information out there.  Whether it's in books, online articles, as well as other sources of information such as videos, documentaries, etc.  Start with your interests in witchcraft and then  go from there.  If interested in Wicca, research and discover the different branches of Wicca to be sure that you are comfortable with the traditions and practices you've learned about.  Research can help to decide what is the best fit for you, personally.  

"An' it harm none, do what ye will."

Don't just believe whatever you read or learn about when it comes to Witchcraft.  Go with what mostly connects with you. I can't reiterate enough that what works for you may not work for others (and vice versa) and that each and every witches practice is different from each other.  There is no wrong way to setup a practice, and there certainly is no wrong way to believe what it is that you believe.  Go with your instincts, and follow your intuition.


Document your path

One of the things that I often hear/read other witches say A LOT is to journal your progress.  This is something that was and still is hugely important in my own practice.  I write in a Book of Shadows: details of rituals and practice information, a Book of Mirrors: where I write reflections of myself, a Book of Spells: also known as a grimoire, and a Book for my coven's information called The Tree (pages considered the leaves that come and go) which each of my coven members will be invited to take from or add too for/from their own knowledge. Each book is kept up to date regularly (when I'm able). It's important to acknowledge the changes that constantly happen as one grows with their craft.

Prevent burn-out

Understanding that energy is all around us existing in everything, in every stone, twig, flower, plant, tree, ...all creatures, etc. We can interact within our surroundings in an energetic way through spellwork. It's my advice to not only depend on your own energy. But, make use of the energies around you to avoid feeling exhausted.  Also, don't rush - take your time. Witchcraft is a spirituality and has a lifetime worth of learning!

Be confident

Free will can not be controlled. Your free will is always your own.  The more confident you are, the more empowered your free will is. Protection spells allow us to feel more confident. And so, in return our free will is then empowered to not be as influenced by negative energies around, or directed towards. The more confident a witch is in their craft, the less effect and influence any external negative energy will have.  Knowing your innerself well, also known as the shadow, will help to know what will work for you, and what won't.  

Expensives NOT REQUIRED!

There are actually no tools required to start doing witchcraft.  Most practitioners can direct energy with simply using their index and middle fingers. Nature can provide most to all working ingredients. Find pebbles, rocks, and crystals outside near forests, paths, meadows, beaches, or where-ever your surroundings. Sticks, stones, grass, vines, flowers, herbs, dead insects, bones from victims of prey, etc. Collect the rain water. Charge under the full moon, ... There really are no costs required. 

HOWEVER, Tools can help

Tools are not required. That being said, they can help.  Some practitioners find they feel more directive with energy by using an athame or a wand.  Although a wand could be selfmade from a thin branch there may be some tools many can't selfmake themselves, such as an athame.  It would be my suggestion to start with naturally provided tools. However, when you feel ready and if affordable, there is also nothing wrong with purchasing craftsmanship from others. Just be sure to first cleanse away others' energy and to charge the object with your own energy with intention before implementing it into your practice. 

Trust your instincts!

Don't let anyone else tell you that you're not doing something right, or that you are doing something the wrong way.  There is no wrong way for you to express your spiritual. Each and every one of us has different associations to everything based on our own experiences in life.  No one walks the same exact path.  ...Be you! Do it your way!  Manifestation is much more likely when spellwork is personally satisfying to the caster.

Follow your intuition

We all have guidance we can connect to whether it be ancesters, deities, spirit, or what ever your beleifs.  Requesting assistance is always ok. However, do your own spellwork.  No one can associate more with your desire than yourself.  If a spell is found online, or provided by another practitioner of magick, feel free to change anything: the ritual; ingredients; incantation; etc. so that it resonates more with your own intentions for the workings.  Make it your own. 

Covens (in general)







Before committing yourself, it's always best to do your research to be sure that any group is right for you.  ~ Always Safety First!


In case unaware: a coven is a gathering or community of witches. It is composed of a group of practitioners who gather together for rituals and ceremony or celebrating the Sabbatts.  The place at which they generally meet is called a covenstead. The number of people involved may vary. Although some consider thirteen to be ideal, any group of at least three can be a coven.  A group of two is usually just referred to as a "working couple" of witches. 


Many believe that a coven larger than thirteen is unwieldy, creating challenging group dynamics and an unfair burden on the leadership.  When a coven has grown too large to be manageable, it may split, or "hive". In Wicca, this may also occur when a newly made High Priest or High Priestess leaves to start their own coven.

Wiccan covens are usually jointly led by a High Priest or High Priestess.  


Many covens follow a Wiccan structure, many involve prerequisites, many involve an initiation process, many no not involve skyclad meetings, many do not do any of the mentioned above... Each group can be different.  It is very important to learn about the coven first to be sure it sounds good for you (or safe) to join.  FYI: Not all witches are Wiccan. However, most Wiccans are witches.


Although some covens are led by only one or the other, and some by two of the same. In some forms of neopagan witchcraft, covens are sometimes managed with a rotating leadership.


Personally, amongst my coven members, each and every member is considered equal (including the High Priestess or High Priest and within my covenstead anyone is able to teach and help the rest of the group from their own individual perspectives, strengths and seperate areas of knowledge and workings in the craft.  


Most covens operate in secret, or within some form of discretion which can make them harder to find.  Some metaphysical stores may advertise coven groups looking for members.  In more recent years it has become very popular for some witches to create "online covens" which remotely teach tradition-specific crafts to it's members.  


No matter what you are considering, please be sure that any group's intentions align with your own before beginning any kind of commitment or membership.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking questions, or getting information ahead of joining.  If a group is not being uofront or forthcoming with its practices and traditions DO NOT JOIN! 


Only consider doing what you are comfortable doing. Be sure that any group you consider participating in compliments your interests. 


Be safe, and blessed be!

More about the Sacred Meadow Circle coven:


  The S. M. C. coven-stead

  The S. M. C. empowerment groups

  The S. M. C. support network

The Wheel of the Year


Wolf/Storm Moon

January Full Moon

Dark Quiet Moon

January New Moon


February 1st.  The first signs of spring in which are celebrated and dedications are made for the next full turn of the wheel. Also known as Ground Hogs Day

Snow/Ice Moon

February Full Moon

Dark Hunger Moon

February New Moon

Worm/Crow Moon

March Full Moon

Dark Seed Moon

March New Moon


March 21st.  Light and darkness are again in balance during the spring equinox, with light on the rise. It is a time of new beginnings and of life emerging further from winter.

Hare/Pink Moon

April Full Moon

Dark Planting Moon

April New Moon


May 1st.  Celebrating the power of life in its fullness, the greening and blooming of the world as spring flourishes.

Flower/Milk Moon

May Full Moon

Dark Ninth Moon

May New Moon

Mead/Strawberry Moon

June Full Moon

Dark Strawberry Moon

June New Moon


June 21st - 24th.  As the summer solstice this time is considered the turning point at which summer reaches its height and the sun shines longest. 

Hay/Buck Moon

July Full Moon

Dark Blessings Moon

July New Moon


August 1st.  A feast of thanksgiving symbolizing the fruits of the first of three harvest festivals.

Sturgeon/Barely Moon

August Full Moon

Dark Harvest Moon

August New Moon

Corn/Harvest Moon

September Full Moon

Dark Singing Moon

September New Moon


September 21st. During the time if the autumn Equinox, a feast of thanksgiving for the fruits of the earth and a recognition of the need to share them during the coming winter months. 

Blood/Hunter's Moon

October Full Moon

Dark Falling-Leaf Moon

October New Moon


October 31st.  A time to celebrate the lives of those who have passed on, and it often involves paying respect to ancestors, family members, elders of the faith, friends, pets, and other loved ones who have died.

Beaver/Oak Moon

November Full Moon

Dark Dead Moon

November New Moon

Cold/Long-Night Moon

December Full Moon

Dark Snow Moon

December New Moon


December 21st - 24th. During the winter solstice, there is feasting, and gift giving as common elements of Midwinter festivities. Bringing sprigs and wreaths inside to decorate the home as well as the decoration of a Yule tree are also common in celebration. 


The Rede
       of the Wiccae


Made famous by Doreen Valiente, Initiate of Gerald Gardner. 


Being known as
The counsel of the Wise Ones:

Bide the Wiccan laws ye must,
in perfect love and perfect trust.
Live and let live, fairly take and fairly give.

Cast a circle thrice about
to keep the evil spirits out.


To bind the spell every time,

let the spell be spake in rhyme.
Soft of eye and light of touch,
speak little, listen much.
Deosil go by the waxing moon,
sing and dance the Wiccan rune.
Widdershins go when the moon doth wane,
and the Werewolf howls by the dread Wolfsbane.


When the Lady's Moon is new,

kiss thy hand to Her times two.
When the Moon rides at Her peak
then your heart's desire seek.
Heed the Northwind's mighty gale;
lock the door and drop the sail.


When the wind comes from the South,

love will kiss thee on the mouth.
When the wind blows from the East,
expect the new and set the feast.
When the West wind blows o'er thee,
departed spirits restless be.


Nine woods in the Cauldron go,

burn them quick a' burn them slow.

Elder be ye Lady's tree;
burn it not or cursed ye'll be.
When the Wheel begins to turn,
let the Beltane fires burn.
When the Wheel has turned at Yule,
light the log and let Pan rule.


Heed ye flower bush and tree,

by the Lady Bless'd Be.
Where the rippling waters go
cast a stone and truth ye'll know.
When find that ye have need,
hearken not to others' greed.
With the fool no season spend
or be counted as his friend.


Merry meet and merry part,

bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind the Three Fold Law ye should,
three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is enow,
wear the Blue Star on thy brow.

True in love ever be
unless thy lover's false to thee.
Eight words ye Wiccan Rede fulfill:
An' it harm none, do what ye will.


True in love ever be

unless thy lover's false to thee.
Eight words ye Wiccan Rede fulfill:
An' it harm none, do what ye will.

Green landscape with mountains in the background

Sacred Meadow Circle

Thank you for visiting

the Astral Sacred Meadow Circle


New Moon
Sacred Meadow Circle

More information about Humanist Wiccan traditions is available from

the New Moon Sacred Meadow Circle


Full Moon
Sacred Meadow Circle

More about the in person empowerment group is available from

the Full Moon Sacred Meadow Circle

Submit a Question:

Is there something that you are looking for which does not appear here?

Please feel free to submit any questions or suggestions that you may have.  I am always happy to help, when i am able.

If you would like the response sent to you please include your email address. 




- Bryan - Grey Witch.

Thank you for submitting!   - I will get back to you shortly. is where I share with you what interests me most, my personal practice! I hope to spark excitement so that you can nurture your own passions and projects. For years, I have served as a useful source of motivation, assistance or advice. I finally decided to own that role and be more intentional about it. I started Ask a Grey Witch: with a mission to give others a taste of my thoughts and experiences by answering submitted questions. What started as occasional posts has evolved into a rich site filled with a variety of information about various topics that are near and dear to my being. Take some time to explore the blogs and find what sparks your interest. Submitted questions are very much appreciated!  

The main focus of this website has become to serve as a support platform for the Astral Sacred Meadow Circle.

 AskaGreyWitch Blog Categories:


About the Practice:


Spells and Magick:


Mystical Workings:​


As a Wiccan male and practitioner of energy work and manifestation, I share my perspective and experience in a way that I hope makes sense and is helpful to others. I want to be clear that what I say is not what goes. I'm not trying to say that what I think is the only way... each and every one of us has our own way of thinking and individual beliefs, traditions, etc.  Quite often I find myself offering guidance, answering questions, providing information and giving advice to other practitioners of magick finding their own way.  


This website is maintained as a safe place where perspectives are shared, ideas can be explored, and submitted questions can be answered honestly without inquirers made to feel centre staged, or stereotyped, or discriminated against, etc.  like what can happen in online communities or on social media these days.


Lots about workings and experiences can be shared by simply answering submitted questions in a short blog style format.  By doing so, together we may be able to help break some of the misconceptions that still exist out there about modern witches, wiccans, or other interesting folk. 

The blog appears in the order that the questions were asked. Therefore, the newer more recent posts are found at the top of the blog entry list and the older blog entries can be found below in the list with the oldest/first entry at the bottom. There is a search option if that helps to narrow down the subject of the blog that you are interested in reading about.

It is my hope that by sharing some knowledge of my own perspectives in this way that it's convenient and helpful to others determining what's best for themselves and will allow me to divide my time more evenly for those requesting mentorship. Enjoy your visit and the information that is shared about beliefs, experiences, and manifestation. All of the blog entries are written to answer a submitted question in a short, yet informative post (the blog entries have an average reading time of around five minutes. The videos have an average length of about 6 minutes). 


We all need something to motivate us. Take a look around; perhaps you’ll be motivated to discover what exhilarates and fits best for you.  After all, the more personally satisfying workings feel to the practitioner, the more likely manifestations will materialize into reality.


Please feel free to share any concerns, suggestions, or comments that you may have as I always appreciate feedback.

The videos used in some of the blogs are stored at: 

Check out the Facebook page at:

Please feel free to read more in the blog entry about me at:

Or about why I originally started this blog and website at:

& of course, feel free to submit your own questions at:

bottom of page